My friend Mo just came back from Buenos Aires so I went out after work with him for a drink to hear one of his many stories and as always he had lots'o'stories. Sounds like he had a fantastic time. He's going back again in February and asked me to go too. I don't have the money to spend but I wanted to go with him on this trip and didn't (I'm kicking myself so I might go in Feb). I'll have to see what the $$$ situation is. I'm sure I could pull it off if I tried. We'll see. The best news is he bought me presents. Two shirts and a pair of Zapatos. The shoes are really nice. They're white and brown and I was looking for shoes just like 'em last weekend. Anyway we got a little tipsy and when we left the bar there was snow everywhere. I don't like the snow so hopefully it'll be melted tomorrow.
Yaayyyyy! New shoes!!!! I love presents!
BUY ME SOMETHING! (Maybe a trip to Argentina?)
Only good girls get presents.
No presents for you.
I love your jacket...it wouldn't fit me, so I cut off the sleeves and it looks HOT!
So jealous of your presents!
You can always go in a suitcase.
Free airtravel (if you don't mind getting bumped and bruised in the plane).
you've got to go. HAVE TO GO!! There is nothing as liberating and fantastic then being in a different land and hearing the sounds and smelling the food and seeing the sights. You have to pull this off mister mister,
new shoes always make me happy.
best of luck!
I think Antonio Zapato Jr is hot.
the king of meet-and-greet is back
jacket now! good pablo.
miss t. buy me something. that should make you forget about the jealously
s - i'll freeze to death (and what if the hull isn't pressurized?)
knotty - I'm just going for the cheap drinks and cheap shoes.
timmy - well get me some? just a quick trip to DSW (natural fibers only)
rouge - oh so witty
Salem - you'll see him saturday and you'll hear all about his south american "meet and greet".
you're not some Cuban, hiding in the landing gear. you can afford airfare.
I think I'll be in Miama for work in Feb. Maybe I can go from there and save some $$?
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