I'm so happy that Caridee is America's Next Top Model. I thought she would have lost for sure after her horrible runway show but in the end she beat out that skank, old looking, fake Melrose. Yaaaay.
BTW Jesus must be mad today 'cause he's most certainly punishing me with the freezing temperatures!
I got nothin' today.
Who is Jesus? I had a cousin named Jesus. He lived in Mexico and made burritos for a living.
I miss Jesus.
i'm so with you on this one!!! IN YOUR FACE MELROSE!!!
Pablo's cousin controls the weather.
I don't know why all the pics of her are always of her head photoshopped onto my body.
it's because you have a nice body you're just not pretty.
DAMMIT - I totally set myself up on that one.
I'll get you next time, Gadget!
Miss T,
I wish i had a camera phone, because there is a handbag in a shop window on Yonge St. with your name on it.
I forget which service provider you're with, but aren't most cell stores open until around six or so? You've got plenty of time to leave work early, go buy a camera phone, and take that picture, young man!
So happy Caridee won.
Couldn't stand Melrose. She was old, short, and I always thought of Melrose Place whenever I saw her on the show.
Melrose was a 1000 times better....
what ever Paul! she was bad bad bad!
Shit! Did I just miss an entire season of Top Model?
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