Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Someone brought in Toblerones to "share" at work today. I think they're from this chick I call "The Devil". She doesn't share she just make purchases without she is purchasing future goodwill (i.e. help) from her co-workers. All day I didn't have any cause she would have seen me get it... I looked at the xmas card next to them and it had "The Devil's" name on it. No way would she see me indirectly accept a gift from her. Merry XMas you witch...I'll eat your candies when you're dead! (or when you've left the office for the day...I just had one since no one's in the office to see me eat it...shhh don't tell)


Blogger sirbarrett said...

Ah yes, some use Christmas as the opportunity to provide many sugar-coated treats, while others call the devil for what she is.

December 14, 2005 8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jason does that here too, only he doesn't sign the card.

and he doesn't do it for help, he does it to watch other people get fat.

wv: tiimajpe

December 15, 2005 10:53 AM  

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