Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The Placebo concert last night was sooooo good.

My favourite part was when some spiky-mohawked asshole pushed through the crowd to french his girlfriend when "Every Me, Every You" came on, then one guy who was pushed reached up and knocked over one of his hair spikes with one finger.

Both bassist and singer were cuteness.

This is my new themesong. I have to get it on a ringtone or something.

I went to Cleveland over Easter. Hopefully I'll have some Rock and Roll Hall of Fame pics for ya soon. Cleveland is....um...interesting.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Yes I know I haven't posted forever but I'm no longer being paid to post so...

I haven't done much of anything outside of shopping and sleeping in. I don't sleep in every day though I have gone to some "find yourself a job" classes that are absolutely retarded but I'm not paying for them (my old job is). I'm considering going to Florida next week to visit my mum and dad. Hey it's a free place to sty ans the sun is shining. We'll see. Maybe I'll look for a job after that?

Oh and Miss Thistle I always knew Alanis was funny...

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

