Friday, September 08, 2006


OMG Could Boogie be any dumber? He so won't win against Erica and he could have won against Janelle. A lot of people still think Janelle screwed them over but only Danielle knows that Erica screwed her over (Danielle was also screwed over by Boogie so I mean wouldn't she choose the lesser of two evils?
HOWIE - Boogie never had that vote.
JAMES - Never would have voted for Janelle but will prolly vote for Erica
DANIELLE - No doubt would have voted for Boogie over Janelle. She will Prolly vote Erica now since they both screwed her over.
WILL - Always gonna vote Boogie.
MARCELLAS - He hated Janelle. Boogie would have got that vote for sure. I think he'll prolly vote for Erica.
GEORGE - I think he would have had Janelle's back. He may be leaning toward Erica over Boogie.
JANELLE - God knows.
ERICA - I think in the end she would have voted for Boogie over Janelle.


Blogger Miss Thistle said...

I'm SO upset. It's like Ivette and Maggie all over again.

The upside will be the knowledge that Erika will be totally and completely humiliated once she sees how that misogynist piece of shit talked about her in the DR. That and Janelle is totally gonna win that 25k America's Choice prize .

September 08, 2006 2:25 PM  
Blogger Pablo said...

Now that Janelle is out of the house, I'm less interested.

September 08, 2006 3:35 PM  

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