Monday, July 31, 2006

Humidity is at 94%.

8:30am and already 31 with the humidex! It's going to be a bit uncomfortable today. The humidex is supposed to make it feel like it's in the mid 40s.
Mme. Rouge must be super happy!


Mel Gibson takes career and spectacularly flushes it down the toilet. Am I so wrong for wanting to see a pic of the woman he called "sugar tits"?

For some reason Blogger won't let me add a pic of Crazy Mel - I'll try again later.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Who'd Ya Do

Famous singing duos this week!

Captain and Tennille:

Sonny and Cher:

or Ike and Tina:


Captain and Tennille
Sonny and Cher
Ike and Tina

View Results

Make your own poll


Thistle and I are most likely going to get into some trouble this weekend.

I hope you find some trouble too!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm Her....Daddy

You mean you can ride a bike...WOW!

At the ESPYS awards lat week Lance Armstrong was hosting (what ever the ESPYS are). Lance’s buddy Jake Gyllenhaal was sitting in the front row. While on stage Lance asked why Jake was sitting up front, then Lance looked confused and said “I thought you liked it in the back”. Ha, ha! It is funny ‘cause Lance was insinuating that Jake was a filthy sodomite. Like the one he played in that movie. The gay jokes are soooooo funny; I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of ‘em.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Well Kathy Griffin's web site says she'll be on The View tomorrow but The View's web site makes no mention of her. It says Thu., Jul. 27: Brittany Show. I'll have to PVR it. If she is on it and not listed I guess that just supports her whole D List thing. Anyway I hope she is on it because I'm sure she'll have some choice comments about Star Jones. I think we're all aware of how well they get along.

Here's a podcast of an interview/morning show with her from Feast Of Fools. Lots of fun Star Jones talk.

Love her!

Stuff That Creeps Me Out - #1

The freaky dolls that Ashton Drake sells.

That shit's not right - those dead eyes just give me the wiggins.

You just know somewhere, right now, there is some woman in a rocking chair singing one of those things to "sleep."

I Still Think Reichen's Too Cute For Him.

Well, it's only a month later, but he's out. And People, no less - good score!

Although, I'm saddened by the utter lack of Shirtless Reichen on the cover.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

No Words

You won't believe this...


I must buy this album.

Perhaps I can play it while trying to woo all the chicks I wanna bang.

It's Too Noisy

Toronto Island residents (They are, they were, squatters) are nightmares. Why do they get anything they want? It’s infuriating. They live in the city and they should just accept city living like everyone else who lives down town. How can we develop the waterfront if the residents of the island just want to keep everything quiet? I’m sure they’d complain about the noise the ferry made it they didn’t need it to get to the island.

Here's a little list of things whiney Island residents stopped…
They stopped a bridge from being built.
They stopped a new airport.
They stopped commuter jets from landing downtown.
They tried to stop Wakestock last year but didn't succeed. (It's on again this year. Ha!)
Now their complaints have resulted in the Docks loosing their liquor license.

For God’s sake move to Orillia or something!

Monday, July 24, 2006

New Title

I have decided to change our blog title. I think this fits both Thistle and me much more accurately.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I'm really drunk...thanks six o'clock drinks. I have to play baseball in 11 hours. Pitty me.

Oh yeah, and Pablo what's with the my space page? You're not 12 are you?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Your Judgemental Aunt and Miss Thistle

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Your Judgemental Aunt !

  1. Peanuts and Your Judgemental Aunt are beans!
  2. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Your Judgemental Aunt !
  3. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Your Judgemental Aunt !
  4. Humans share over 98 percent of their DNA with Your Judgemental Aunt !
  5. A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for Your Judgemental Aunt , and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life.
  6. More people are killed by Your Judgemental Aunt each year than die in aeroplane accidents.
  7. Your Judgemental Aunt can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period.
  8. Owls cannot move their eyes, because their eyeballs are shaped like Your Judgemental Aunt !
  9. All of the roles in Shakespeare's plays - including the female roles - were originally played by Your Judgemental Aunt .
  10. The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Your Judgemental Aunt !
I am interested in - do tell me about

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Miss Thistle!

  1. Without Miss Thistle, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand.
  2. When provoked, Miss Thistle will swivel the tip of her abdomen and shoot a jet of boiling chemicals at her attacker!
  3. A lump of Miss Thistle the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
  4. Miss Thistle is the world's largest rodent!
  5. The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on Miss Thistle!
  6. The Aztec Indians of Mexico believed Miss Thistle would protect them from physical harm, and so warriors used her to decorate their battle shields.
  7. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same Miss Thistle!
  8. Until the 1960s, Miss Thistle was not allowed to enter Disneyland.
  9. During the reign of Peter the Great, any Russian nobleman who chose to wear Miss Thistle had to pay a special Miss Thistle tax.
  10. In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become Miss Thistle on New Year's Day.
I am interested in - do tell me about

It's Friday at 4:09

Won't you spare me all the charms...



So the Who'd Ya Do has been interupted this week by MARRY BANG KILL.
It's simple of the people below...
Who would you marry? Who would you bang? Who woould you kill?


Steve Austin

Michael Knight

Let me start off with...
MARRY - McGuver
He's the only really nice guy. And He's smart.

BANG - Steve Austin
Who wouldn't bang the Bionic Man?

KILL - Micheal Knight
He is a nightmare. KIT could do sooooo much better.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Picture Of My Soul


This is your first boyfriend from back in the day isn't it?


Before you say it I know....You don't care. But in case you do...
Last night's finale of Canada's Next Top Model was very good and it had the ending I couldn't be more happy with. Andrea a nerdy little chick from small town Ontario went from a cashier at a Dollarama store to the winner. She was a bit of a freakshow but she looked good.

The bad thing was the two girls they picked for the finale sucked hard at runway. Really sucked. They should have had Sisi in the end with Andrea because a little Asian bitch always makes for a good show.

Anyway all I'm saying is that any nerdy cashier virgin that cries at the drop of a hat and shops at Goodwill and the Salvation Army for clothes displaying flowers and kittens that can go from this...

To this...

Deserves a $100,000.00 contract. By the way, Stacey McKenzie LOVE HER.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Jason's BDay Present

I picked up Jason's Birthday present from Portugal but I couldn't decide which he'd like more so I guess I'll just let him choose.

So which will it be Costinha, Petite or Pauleta?


Salem's last minute lordy lordy look who's 40 birthday party was fun. I cannot confirm or deny that I showed up a little tipsy. I met Salem's brother and wife along with some crazy chick who tried to break my fancy sunglasses and then tried to kiss me. Poor thing did not heed Salem's warnings and did her best to use her wit on me but failed miserably. I taught this lady an important lesson... you can't fuck the fucker. If you want a table of strangers to laugh at you just try picking on me.

I met Shora for the first time. All she could talk about was Miss Thistle. Whatever, I'm so telling Thistle that Shora called her a worthless whore. Shora was also having secret conversations with Crucible who by the way deleted his blog. I know, owning a boat at your cottage is hard. Shora was so mean to me. I tear up just thinking about her masochistic treatment of me.

Jason was there only kind of stressed out. I guess he's learning to relax in his old age.

I was tired this morning...feel bad for me. It's hard.


Jason is not only fat....he's OLD. He'll be as old as Salem soon.

People that share Jason's Birthday...
Campbell Scott

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Proper Gay Grows His Own Tea

It's not easy being a gay, not to mention a proper gay. Mme. Rouge take note...this one's right up you alley. Grow your own tea at home.


Monday, July 17, 2006


Since Toronto is pretty much the 8th Ring of Hell today, I decided to keep my feet sweat-free by wearing thong sandals. My work doesn't really have a dress code, thank jeebus.

Well that was all fine and good until the strap started to break over lunch hour. Now it's just hanging by a thread.

I have no other footwear with me, of course, and I have to go to the grocery store after work.

I have just spent the last 5 minutes stapling my shoe together. Yes, I am hanging my head in shame right now.


Ok, ok, I know soccer fever is way done, but I'm still obsessed with my new crush.

He's gorge.
He's athletic in that swimmer-body kinda way.
He's rich.
He's got nice lips.
He's speaking French.
He's speaking French softly.

Marry me, Zinedine!

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Button

Who'd Ya Do

It's 80s Tiger Beat week.

Personally, I always thought all of these guys were way heinous, but I had no other ideas for the day.

Kirk Cameron (try to ignore his crazy fundie-ness)

Michael J. Fox (try to ignore his shortness)

Corey Feldman (try to ignore his craziness and general rat-like appearance)

Corey Haim (try to ignore the fact you have no idea if the guy's even alive)


Kirk Cameron
Michael J. Fox
Corey Feldman
Corey Haim

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Thursday, July 13, 2006


My friend and I went to see Superman Returns in IMAX 3-D last night. Soooo good. The whole plane thing kicked ass. 3-D has come a long way baby. The new Superman is great kinda like the old one but improved. (Butchie I won't make a Christopher Reeve joke 'cause that's just mean). I told a girl from work to from see it in 3-D. She made a face and said she didn't want to watch a blury movie and I said "what?". The she pointed to her eye. I forgot that she can see out of only one eye so 3-D doesn't work. Well it worked for me (a lot). Oh yeah, and Parker Posey is really good too (love her).

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

But The Gays Don't Play Sports

That must be what Stephen Harper (or as Bush calls him Steve) thought with the visa requests coming in. Watch Stephen those gays can be tricky.

Still Sparkly After All These Years.

Since Auntie became all brave about posting photos of herself, I think I'm gonna do the same. Hell, I may even change my avatar.

100% me.


You've all have seen this right?


From Kathy Griffin's show.
"Look every so often you get yourself a bad gay. I'm sorry, they can't all be Clay Aiken"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

He Didn't Just Steal Kisses

I guess Kathy Griffin's ex-husband was charging her for doing her hair everyday. See the story here.

You Know What's Awesome?

Stoned Elvis.

Don't Forget To Sparkle!

I'm glad Monday is over.

I'm feeling a little more energetic today. Quite giddy this morning actually, as my coffee seems to be laced with crack. I'm almost...Simmons-y.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Buchie's New Band

Butchie's dreams are not limited to doing sound for concerts. Butchie has put together his own band. I hope I don't get in trouble for this but here's a preview I got my hands on.




Rio Static?

Some Bay Street type guy was staring at me on the subway this morning and when I went to get off at my stop he asked "are you the guy from Rio Static?" To which I replied "Stop coming on to me", no I didn't I just said no I'm not and he told me I looked just like the guy. At least I think he said Rio Static. Does anyone know if that's a band or Brazilian soap opera?

Thanks Mme. Rouge - So they're a band and trey're called Rheo Statics...
Maybe the guy second from the left?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Big Brother 7

The game started from the moment they walked in the house. Danielle played too hard too fast. Alison not as hard and not as fast. They were both put up for eviction. I was kinda surprised as I though Alison played a pretty good game so far. I would prefer so many other people leave than either of these two. I guess we'll have to wait for the Veto on Tuesday.
Did you see D. Will's face when he wasn't nominated? He's facked! What a freakshow.
Chicken George will be eaten alive. No one is impressed by him and he's seems more alike an annoyance than a player. Like the mosquito that won't go away.
I think Janelle will do well. She's playing a good game already. She really knows how to use people and she wins when she wants to.

It looks like it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

This Weekend

MOLSON Grand Prix this weekend right next to the fields we play ball on.
2 ball games this Satty afternoon

Gonna be super noisy.
Sun will say 30.
Humidex will say 40.
Computer says no.

Who'd Ya Do? Commie Edition

Kim Jong-Il of North Korea

Fidel Castro of Cuba

Soe Win of Myanmar (Burma)

Nguyen Minh Triet of Vietnam

Hu Jintao of China

Who'd Ya Do? Commies

Kim Jong-Il
Fidel Castro
Soe Win
Nguyen Minh Triet
Hu Jintao

View Results

Make your own poll

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Another busy weekend. My softball team (that includes Jason and Salem) participated in the Canada Cup this weekend. There was quite a big turn out this year. Toronto teams, some from Chicago, Minneapolis (aka the Stepford team), San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Montreal and god knows where else. The nights were late and the mornings were early. By the time Monday rolled around I was spent.

Friday night consisted of meet and greet. I was grouchy and tired. I had five beer and went home at about 11:00.

Saturday started off at 8:00am was I was playing third. Too bad I don’t really know the rules about playing third but I assumed they’re pretty much the same as second (my usual position). Toward the end of the game a teammate got a ball in the face and I took him to the hospital where he got 4 stitches and I watched Portugal beat England in the world cup. By the time we made it back to the field all our games were finished for the day. 

Later on Saturday night my team hosted all the D division teams at a local bar for Canada Day where everyone got drunk and had fun. I consumed lots of drinks and was introduced to a new one. Can’t remember what it’s called but it is 1 shot of vodka, 1 shot of tequila and Red Bull. Those will knock you on your ass. Looked like everyone had fun. I got drunk and smashed up my shins…yes I’m a stupid and I was drunk.

Sunday started even earlier glad I went home at around 12:00 the night before. Up at 6:00am and on the field by 7:00 (this is way too early for me). We lost our first game. Won the second one against the team that placed first the day before (yeah, I don’t get it either) and lost the third. I think I played pretty well in the heat alert weather. It was so humid you could see it in the air (it was like hot fog). Blaaachh!

Went home got a shower then went out to get a haircut since I looked like a hippie all weekend. Went back home and tried to nap without much success. Off again at 6:30 to the awards banquet (aka drinking and finger foods). Drank lots. Went to a bar and drank some more, went to another bar and drank more, went to the last bar and stopped drinking at abt 2:00. I was so tired and couldn’t wait to get to bed (alone you perverts).

Had a practice last night for the two games we have on Satty. Now time to do nothing for two days but watch Canada’s Next Top Model (Cici rules) and Canadian Idol (love the Nancy Silverman) tonight and Big Brother tomorrow. Then it is the weekend again.

I’m too old for this.

Oh yeah, I did see Cinci but only from across a crowed patio. Didn’t pursue it (too tired).


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Since You Loved Her So Much Last Time

Something for everyone to look at. This is the House Mix of Bye Bye Mon Cowboy. My favorite mix of this song. Supposedly done to release in English Markets in and outside of Canada. From what I remember it did well in NYC. Anyway I'm sure it'll bring a smile to your face.

Happy 4th of July!!!

His Mom Must Be Soooo Proud

In Ottawa Canada Day is a massive party. Everyone is drunk everywhere and the city is perfectly fine with it. It's always a good time. Anyway sometimes people get a bit too drunk and do things they may regret. Like pee on the national War Memorial (see picture to the right). And if a MetroNews reporter takes a picture of you while doing such an activity you can expect that picture to be in news papers from coast to coast. And God knows where else since they have papers around the world. Happy belated Canada Day!

Here's the full story

If you come to Toronto for a visit you may want to stay at the Westin